别名:安妮 第一季 / annidiyiji


demanding justice, Anne uncovers a massive cover-up by the authorities.As Anne begins her quest for answers, she faces numerous obstacles and setbacks. The police refuse to reopen the case, claiming that it has already been thoroughly investigated. The media also dismisses her claims, labeling her as a conspiracy theorist. Undeterred, Anne teams up with other grieving parents and forms an organization called"Justice for Hillsborough" to bring attention to their cause.Together, they organize protests and rallies, demanding a fresh inquiry into the disaster. They approach politicians and lawyers for support but are met with indifference or resistance. Determined to uncover the truth about what really happened on that fateful day at Hillsborough Stadium, Anne delves deeper into the evidence.Through extensive research and interviews with witnesses who were present at the match, Anne starts unraveling a web of lies woven by those in power. She discovers that crucial evidence was ignored or tampered with during the initial investigation. Witnesses who could have provided vital information were silenced or coerced into changing their statements.As more damning evidence surfaces, public opinion slowly begins to shift in favor of the families seeking justice. Finally gaining traction in their fight for answers, Anne and the other parents catch the attention of an investigative journalist who believes in their cause.With his help and newfound media attention, they are able to put pressure on both local government officials and law enforcement agencies. Eventually forced to re-examine their previous findings due to mounting public scrutiny,the authorities reluctantly agree to hold a new inquiry intothe tragedy.The subsequent inquiry reveals shocking revelations about how negligence on part of various institutions ledto this preventable disaster.Troubled by these revelations,Anne continues her fight not justfor justicebut also against those responsible.She finds strength in knowing thatshe is finally being heardandthatthetruth will come out.Finally,in 2016,a new verdictis reachedwhichclears thenames of the victims and places blame squarely on those who covered up the truth.Through her tireless efforts, Anne is able to secure justice for her son and the 95 other victims. Her determination serves as an inspiration to others fighting against injustice and cover-ups.


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    利奥·拉兹 Lior Raz 

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    玛克辛·皮克 约翰·西姆 尼克·迈瑞莱格伦 夏莉·墨菲 茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森 马特·斯托克 艾米丽·比查姆 奥古斯图斯·珀如 安娜贝勒艾裴逊 Jim Cartwright 乔·达廷 鲁珀特·伊文斯 Anthony Flanagan Chloe Harris Ainsley Howard 大卫·莱尔 乔·阿姆斯特朗 斯科特·汉迪 Bill Jones Amelia Young William Grindey Laurence Meatcher Matt O'Donnell 斯蒂芬·沃 

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    马可·皮科西 亚历桑德拉·内格里尼 胡丽叶·康拉德 杰西卡·科雷斯 吉米·伦敦 曼努埃拉·迪耶格斯 

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    马克·哈蒙 迈克尔·韦瑟利 宝蕾·佩雷特 大卫·麦考姆 尚恩·穆雷 科特·德·巴勃罗 

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    杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 萨曼莎·莫顿 莱丝利·曼维尔 丽芙·泰勒 阿尔菲·艾伦 

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    大卫·田纳特 莉奥妮·贝尼希 Ibrahim Koma 

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    凯拉·塞吉维克 G.W.拜利 雷蒙德·克鲁斯 乔恩·坦尼 安东尼·约翰·邓尼森 J·K·西蒙斯 科瑞·雷诺兹 罗伯特·格赛特 Michael Paul Chan 



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